Yesterday was a busy day! Mike and I went out for the SCRR/Dick's Sporting Goods run at the Waterfront yesterday (a nice change of scenery from our normal downtown routes on a gorgeous morning that was a bit chilly). Brooks was also onsite showing off the new Pittsburgh Marathon Launch 4s but they didn't have any to try on (sadface). I'm still in love with this version a little more than those, though they are incredibly cool. Was hoping they might be doing a sponsored giveaway, but alas, no. Women's size 11 if anyone's listening. ;)
Anyway! I was super apprehensive about going out as I'd mentioned previously but my knee felt all right in the morning and I'd already given myself the lecture about walking or heading back to the car if it hurt, but I really wanted to run so it wasn't too hard to drag myself out into the cold.
This far along in training season most people are up to double-digit mileage, but because of the knee and the way I rearranged my training plan I only needed six. While people were standing around waiting for things to start I spotted one of the volunteer pacers who I'd run with a few times before, and she was holding a 13-minute pace sign. Perfect! If I was going to manage six it needed to be as easy as possible, and she was running the "up to 8 miles" route (with 3 and 6 options) so I glued myself to her almost immediately.
Mike went off to find a 9ish group since 13 is way too slow for him - but remember when I mentioned that most people are up to longer distances by now? Yeah, he ended up going out inadvertently with the 10+ miles group when he also only wanted to do 6...oops. I should have realized that when he wasn't around with the two or three people I saw in the lower distance group that went out at around his speed, but I was so anxious about being able to run or not that it didn't even occur to me at the time.
At any rate - we took off, very slowly, and surprise! The knee didn't hurt at all! I mentioned to the group that I would probably drop if it started hurting, which everyone reassured me was absolutely the right choice, and folks checked in with me a couple times here and there which I appreciated. I ran with one other girl who I recognized from other runs, and another girl who I've seen around on the facebook group. She ran the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler last week and was also fending off injury, so it was pretty good company even if there weren't too many of us.
Eventually I could definitely tell that my knee was still not 100% but it never really escalated to a level that concerned me, though I did consider stopping at 3 when we doubled back to the starting point for a short water break. I figured by then I might as well just finish it even though starting back up after a stop was not the greatest feeling, and by the end of 6 I definitely could feel a little ache there, but nothing as bad as after my 3 on Tuesday or the 15K the previous Saturday, so that was reassuring.
I ended up waiting a few minutes for Mike to get back since he'd gone out longer than planned, but thankfully it wasn't long - I had the car key so I went back and started changing into my sweats and not long after he turned up! We ducked into Dick's to use their bathroom (and ogle the running shoes and workout gear, of course) and then proceeded to the most excellent part of the morning - brunch (and the most delicious coffee in Pittsburgh) at the Square Cafe.
We split the Protein breakfast (sunny side up eggs, ham, chocolate chip protein pancake) and an order of chicken cordon bleu crepes plus extra toast for the eggs, and Mike ordered the Tough Mudder milkshake (chocolate, irish creme, nutella - YUM), which I nabbed a few long slugs of. I think I had about six cups of that coffee including one to go (bottomless coffee ftw).
Back at home I showered and changed into a clean set of running clothes because it was time to head out to my This is What a Runner Looks Like photo shoot! My knee was complaining a little bit, but not too badly all things considered. There was a bit of traffic, but I'd allowed time for it, and I found the spot on Washington's Landing easily and met the photographer a few minutes early. It reminded me of senior pictures but a lot more relaxed, and it was an absolutely beautiful day in a pretty location. About ten minutes later I was headed home again with a bonus swag bag in tow.
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Gel hot/cold pack, band-aids, chapstick (I really can't have too many) and a cooling towel! |
Then I headed home again and off to my next adventure - driving down to WV to see my high school band's spring concert. The knee had gotten irritable enough that I decided to pop a couple ibuprofen, which did their thing. It was a great show, and I got to say hi to my old band director (and show off being all skinny and stuff now, ha) and thoroughly enjoyed myself, including being able to partake in the bake sale fundraiser (homemade pepperoni roll and cookies). Kind of a late night, but worth it!
Now it's time to venture back to the gym for the first time in a couple weeks. Going to be very very cautious but I'm super happy to report that even though the ibuprofen is worn off, and after icing it at bedtime as has become my routine, my knee is barely complaining at all this morning! I'm not about to risk it doing something dumb in the gym so it may be an absurdly short session, but better than nothing. Another busy day today, and we'll see what next week brings!
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